Those who are using Windows 10 Home should use this set of instructions to disable the app in question: Press the Windows logo key + R shortcut to open the Run app. ask our certified PC technicians for immediate assistance in the chat right on this page. Use Registry Editor to disable Your Phone App on Windows 10. How to disable your phone app in windows 10? With PowerShell, you can remove other apps which come bundled with the OS. To uninstall Your Phone in Windows 10, do the following. (see screenshot below) How do i uninstall my phone on windows 10? 2 Right click or press and hold on the service (ex: 'My Example Service') you want to delete, and click/tap on Properties. › The Official Goldfish Report Archivesįrequently Asked Questions How to delete a service in windows 10?ġ Press the Win + R keys to open Run, type services.msc into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Services.› Executive Office Of Technology Services And Security.